I never got to show the photos of my final day on the West Bank. Here they are.
The day started out by a trip to the Palestinian Art Academy. I did a talk on graffiti, my work and how to make a living as an artist. After that they wanted me to do a workshop where I could teach them how to paint a big wall. I was not prepared for this but improvised a bit and told them to do some brain storming and draw some sketches. After that we picked the best idea. They decided on drawing some big hands. I did a bit of painting on the parking lot while they painted hands. Then I returned to
The Danish House In Palestine and did a drawing on the wall of a muslim lady with a viking hat.
The Danish House In Palestine has made my trip possible and has done an excellent job of putting and interesting program together for me. Go visit the place if you are in Ramallah. They are such nice people and do all kinds of great cultural events. In the evening I painted a wall outside the restaurant where the farewell dinner was held. And then I returned to Denmark.
Palestine is an open-hearted country but the occupation makes life hard for the population. I hope the future holds peace for the people. And for the writers around the world: Go to Palestine! Its full off raw concrete and endless possibilities.
The students painting at the art academy as a part of the workshop I held |
The 'guest professor' painting a bit while the students work on their wall. |
An article on our' 'historic' mini-bus trip last monday with half of the graffiti writes in Palestine |
Painting at The Danish House In Palestine. Fantastic place. |
Goodbye Palestine panting |